Utilizing our CNC Lathe

Here is another example of MLP utilizing our CNC lathe by using a 304 Stainless Steel flange. The original flange was reverse engineered by MLP for our customer.  After the reverse engineering was completed, the part was produced by using our CNC lathe and our Haas CNC milling machine.  MLP was not only able to reverse engineer, but also produce … Read More

Case Study:Production Line Halts, OEM item obsolete, MLP’s Reverse Engineering

Case Study:Production Line Halts, OEM item obsolete, MLP’s Solution: Reverse Engineering Case Study:Production Line Halts.  An International medical supplies manufacturer is threatened with a production line coming to a halt.  The manufacturer wants to avoid the production line slowing or worse, shutting down completely, and choking off production of their much needed products. Reason: The OEM supplier of a critical … Read More